Tips to Instill the Love for Learning in Children
posted on Apr 18, 2020

“The purpose of education is to bring a thirsty horse near the sea.”- A popular proverb
Education is a process through which a child gains the insight to look into things as they are. It is never about merely securing high grades and degrees. Instead, it aims at making every individual a complete human being. Apart from the academic laterals, education also involves the polishing of behavioral traits of every learner to enable the young minds to grow holistically in all aspects. However, if education is not served rightly to the kids, they might feel repelled by it.
We, at Gurukul The School, a renowned preschool in Ghaziabad, often find parents complaining that no matter how hard they try to make the kids sit for study, they keep on running from their study hours at home. We would like to mention in this respect that this kind of a behavior from children doesn’t mean that education itself is a dull or monotonic process. This antipathy toward learning grows when children don’t engage with the process correctly. Hence, if you wish your children to willingly engage in the learning process, it is important for you to make sure that your children grow an inherent love for learning. Once this love for learning is instilled in them, they will never run away from learning in the future as well.
In this article today, we are sharing with you some of the tips you can adopt to grow in your children the love for learning that will aid their transformation into lifelong learners.
Offer exposure to the world
The best way to kindle the love for learning in your kid would be to offer him/her a world of wonders. No, we are not asking you to take your kids out for any foreign travel, but you can do that very well while staying at home as well. Using the internet connectivity at home, you can easily make your child watch some of the best nature videos, wildlife videos, facts and myths videos, and many such. But make sure that before you pick a video content for your child, you know about his/her specific areas of interest. If your child has an interest in history, do not start with a science documentary and vice-versa. Once the initial interest is established, you can introduce other subjects gradually.
Make learning hours fun
Do not let your child feel bored while learning. Fill the study hours with fun activities that will keep the little minds engaged and happy. Music, drama, discussions, storytelling sessions, etc. can be a smart way to teach your kids and ignite interest in learning at the same time. The fun activities also act like little respites from the schedules.
Appreciate your child’s learning style
Instead of condemning your child’s unique learning style, or compelling the kid to follow the stereotypes, appreciate your child’s unique style of learning. All the children are different, and the way they learn is equally unique as well. If you can appreciate their uniqueness, they would be more into the process of learning. Some children learn by reading aloud; some learn by reading silently. You must not force the kids to adopt a way which seems comfortable to you. Rather, look for a way that they would prefer. Let them follow their own path of convenience. Children treated this way would happily engage in learning.
Be encouraging and supportive
Parents are the support system for kids. And this makes it necessary for the parents to stand strong with their children, especially through the rough times. A pat on the back or a word of appreciation can always act as a potion of elixir to their dwindling enthusiasm. And this love and appreciation from the parents indeed help to seed the love for learning in the young minds.
At Gurukul The School, we firmly believe that to make the children realize the magic of learning, it is important that they connect with the process well. In these times, when the schools are shut, and children are spending all of their time at home, it is vital that instead of pushing children into learning, parents should try to engage them properly. It is the wow-factor hidden in the right process of education that encourages every little mind to develop love and interest in the process of learning.